Dr. Pedro Zancanaro

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  • Dr. Pedro Zancanaro

Dr. Pedro Zancanaro

Dermatologista CRM-DF 13579

CRM-DF 13579


  • Médico Dermatologista
  • Titular da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia
  • Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Dermatológica
  • Membro da American Academy of Dermatology
  • Responsável Técnico pela Viva Dermatologia
  • Titular da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia
  • Responsável pela Dermatologia do Hospital de Base de Brasília/SES-DF
  • Membro da Câmara Técnica de Dermatologia – CRM/DF
  • Residência Médica em Dermatologia pelo Hospital Universitário de Brasília
  • Research Elective Harvard Medical School
  • Fellowship Johns Hopkins Dermatology

Medical School – Universidade de Brasília (UnB), august/1998 to july/2004. (Academic Performance Index = 4,808 / 5).
Harvard Medical School – research fellowship – March-April 2002.
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions research rotation – March 2001 and May-June 2003.
Medical Residency in Dermatology – Brasília University Hospital, february 2006 to january 2009.
Certification as Dermatology Specialist- Brazilian Dermatology Society (Approved by competitive public examination) – April 2010.
Healthcare Executive Master in Business Administration – Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Sao Paulo 2012- 2014.
Specialization in Emergency Management in Public Health by the Hospital Sirio Libanes, São Paulo, 2014.
Graduate in Nutrology – Brazilian Association of Nutrology 2015.


Inpatient dermatology: Accordance diagnostic rates among medical specialties at a 850-bed accredited quaternary hospital in Brazil. Brasília, DF, 2015.
Skin disease and immunosuppresed kidney transplant recipients: an update. Brasília DF, 2016.
First Brazilian report on miltefosine use for two 30-year follow-up refractory mucocutaneous leismaniasis cases. Brasília DF 2016.


Comorbidades em Psoríase in Novos Conceitos em Psoríase, Romiti R et al, Elservier 2009: 128-40.


Carneiro FP, Maia LB, Moraes MA, de Magalhães AV, Vianna LM, Zancanaro PC,Reis CM. Lobomycosis: diagnosis and management of relapsed and multifocal lesions. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2009 Sep;65(1):62-4.

Zancanaro PC, Isaac AR, Garcia LT, Costa IM. Localized scleroderma in children: clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. An Bras Dermatol. 2009 Mar-Apr;84(2):161-72. Review.

Nogueira LS, Zancanaro PC, Azambuja RD. [Vitiligo and emotions]. An Bras Dermatol. 2009 Jan-Feb;84(1):41-5.

De Lacerda DA, Zancanaro P. Filler rhinoplasty. Dermatol Surg. 2007 Dec;33 Suppl 2:S207-12; discussion S212.

Zancanaro PC, McGirt LY, Mamelak AJ, Nguyen RH, Martins CR. Cutaneous manifestations of HIV in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy: an institutional urban clinic experience.J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 Apr; 54(4):581-8.

Bilu D, Mamelak AJ, Nguyen RH, Queiroz PC, Kowalski J, Morrison WL, Martins CR. Clinical and epidemiologic characterization of photosensitivity in HIV-positive individuals. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2004 Aug; 20(4):175-83.

Ribeiro J, Boyce JM, Zancanaro PQ, Prevalence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphilococcus aureus (MRSA) Among Patients Visiting the Emergency Room at a Tertiary Hospital in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2005 Feb; 9(1):52-5.

Mamelak AJ, Nguyen RHN, Bilu D, Queiroz PC, Martins C. African American Ethnicity and Anti-Retroviral Therapy as determinants of cutaneous photosensitivity among HIV-positive patients in a specialized Dermatology clinic. 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology Feb 6-11, 2004. (P334) Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 50(3) Supp: 88. Mar 2004


Program Family Healthcare in Rural Communities, Cristalina/GO, Brazil, July 2004 to May 2005.

Brazilian School Games (Volunteer as Emergency Physician, December 2004.

Health Secretariat of the Federal District – Internal Medicine Physician – October 2006 to August 2010.

Hedera Dermatology Clinic – October 2007 to December 2009.

AMIL TotalCare – Dermatologist – June 2010 to August 2011.

Manager at Basic Healthcare Center of Candangolandia, SES/DF – January to March 2011.

Director of Health Care – cities of Candangolandia, Nucleo Bandeirante, Riacho Fundo and Park Way, Distrito Fereral, Brazil – March 2011 to February 2013.

General Coordinator of Healthcare – cities of Candangolandia, Nucleo Bandeirante, Riacho Fundo and Park Way, Distrito Fereral, Brazil – February 2013 to December 2014.

University Hospital of Brasilia – Dermatologist – volunteer researcher – August 2009 to present.

Viva! Dermatology – Dermatologist – Medical Director – October 2009 to present.

Dermatologist – Hospital de Base de Brasília (the single dermatologist for 833 hospital beds) – January 2015 to present.

Internal Medicine Manager – Hospital de Base de Brasília – July 2015 to present.


Biochemistry and Biophysics: 90 hours.

Medical Histology: 120 hours

Medical Immunology: 180 hours

Internal Medicine: 240 hours


21º World Congress of Dermatologia: Refractory American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: twenty years of following-up, in October/2007, Buenos Aires – Argentina.

21º World Congress of Dermatologia: Social and Aesthetic Issues in Christ Siemens Touraine Syndrome – a case report, in October/2007, Buenos Aires – Argentina.

Nguyen RHN, Mamelak AJ, Queiroz PC, Martins CR. Immunosuppression and Anti-Retroviral Therapy as Determinants of HSV Diagnosis Among HIV-Positive Patients in a Specialized Dermatology Clinic (oral presentation/paper #0399). And the 15th Biennial Congress of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research in Ottawa, Canada, July 27-30th, 2003 (oral presentation)

Queiroz PC, Lins RD, Muniz-Junqueira MI. Função fagocitária desregulada pode aumentar a susceptibilidade a infecções por patógenos extracelulares em puérperas In: V Jornada Científica do HUB. For the annals of the V Scientific Journey of the University Hospital of Brasilia, 2002 (oral presentation).

Queiroz PC, Lins RD, Muniz-Junqueira MI. Função dos Neutrófilos no Puerpério In: VIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), 2002, Brasília, Brazil. For the Annals of the VIII Congress of Scientific Initiation at the University of Brasilia, 2002. (poster).

Queiroz PC, Lins RD, Muniz-Junqueira MI. Função dos Neutrófilos na Gestação In: VII Congress of Scientific Initiation of the University of Brasília (UnB), 2001, Brasília. For the annals of the VII Congress of Scientific Initiation at the University of Brasília, 2001, p. 206 (poster).

Picanço MRA, Martins CLF, Gonzales EM, Lins RD, Pereira MM, Queiroz PC. Perfil epidemiológico da adolescente primigesta e seu filho em estudo de coorte no primeiro ano de vida na demanda do Ambulatório de Crescimento do Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB) In: VI Jornada Científica do HUB. Anais da VI Scientific Journey of the University Hospital of Brasilia, 2003, p. 71. (oral presentation).

Picanço MRA, Martins CLF, Gonzales EM, Lins RD, Pereira MM, Queiroz PC Análise do Padrão de Crescimento e das Intercorrências Clinicas em Primogênitos de Mães Adolescentes Durante o Primeiro Ano de Vida In: VI Scientific Journey of the University Hospital of Brasilia. For the annals of the VI Scientific Journey of the University Hospital of Brasilia, 2003. (poster).

Lins RD, Queiroz PC, Muniz-Junqueira MI. Função dos Monócitos no Puerpério In: VIII VII Congress of Scientific Initiation of the University of Brasília, 2002, Brasília, Brazil. For the annals of the VIII Congress of Scientific Initiation at the University of Brasília, 2002. (poster).

Lins RD, Queiroz PC, Muniz-Junqueira MI. Função dos Monócitos na Gestação In: 7º Congress of Scientific Initiation at the University of Brasília, 2001, Brasilia, Brazil. For the annals of the VII Congress of Scientific Initiation at the University of Brasília, 2001, p. 207. (poster).

Lima D, Teixeira AR, Queiroz PC, Lins RD, Pereira MM Retardo Mental e comorbidades In: XXI Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry, 2003, Goiânia, Brazil. For the annals of the XXI Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry. In Goiania/GO, Brazil. Brazilian Association of Psychiatry, 2003. p 143 (poster).

Lima D, Teixeira AR, Queiroz PC, Lins RD Depressão em menores de 15 anos In: XX Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry, 2002, Florianópolis/SC, Brazil. For the annals of the XX Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry. Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil: Brazilian Association of Psychiatry, 2002. p.270 (poster).

Picanço MRA, Lins RD, Queiroz PC, Pereira MM, Santos, TAP. Perfil Bio-Psico-social de Mães Adolescentes Primigestas In: VII Brazilian Congress of Public Health, 2003, Brasília/DF, Brazil. For the annals of the VII Brazilian Congress of Public Health, 2003. (oral presentation).

Picanço MRA, Lins RD, Queiroz PC, Pereira MM, Santos, TAP. Análise do Perfil Nutricional das Mães Adolescentes e seus Primogênitos Durante o Primeiro Ano de Vida no Hospital Universitário de Brasília In: VII Brazilian Congress of Public Health, 2003, Brasília/DF, Brazil. For the annals of the VII Brazilian Congress of Public Health, 2003. (poster).


Project: “Collection and creation of a clinic-epidemiologic database on the dermatology cases seen at the Johns Hopkins Aids Service”
Period: July to December 2001 and October to November 2003 (8 mo)
Department of Dermatology – Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Advisor: Ciro R Martins, MD

Project: “Characterization of the phenotypic consequences of expressing a mutant form of the receptor tyrosine kinase TIE-2 in transgenic mice”
Period: April 1st to May 20th 2002 (full-time)
Laboratory of Cell Biology – Harvard Medical School
Advisor: Bjorn R Olsen, MD, PhD

Project: “Avaliação da função dos fagócitos na
gestação: Função de neutrófilos na gestação”
Period: August 1st 2000 to July 31st 2001
Scientific Initiation Fellowships Institutional Program – PIBIC

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Maria Imaculada Muniz Junqueira Project: “Função de fagócitos no puerpério: Função de Neutrófilos no Puerpério”
Period: August 1st 2001 to July 31st 2002
Scientific Initiation Fellowships Institutional Program – PIBIC
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Maria Imaculada Muniz Junqueira

Project: “Pesquisa clínico-epidemiológica para determinar o impacto da infecção por Pseudomonas aeruginosa multi-resistente no Hospital de Base de Brasília”.
Period: August 2000 to March 2003 (2 yrs and 7 mo), credit hour load of 4 hours/week.
Control Center of Hospitals Infections – HBDF
Advisor: Dr. Julival Ribeiro

Project: “Determinação dos custos de infecção hospitalar na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva do Hospital de Base de Brasília” – Clinical and epidemiological scientific research
Period: March 2003 to July 2004 (1 yr and 3 mo), credit hour load of 4 hours/week.
Control Center of Hospitals Infections – HBDF
Advisor: Dr. Julival Ribeiro


The project “Avaliação da função dos fagócitos na gestação: Função de neutrófilos na gestação” received the Award of the Best Scientific Initiation Work in Immunology at the 7° Scientific Initiation Congress of the University of Brasilia.


Family Primary Care Program: Zerbini Fundation. 2004 for Family and Community MD

Brazilian Navy Health Corp 2005 for Internal Medicine.

Medical Residency in Dermatology at University Hospital of Brasilia/UnB – 1º position – 2005

Health Secretariat of the Federal District 2006 for Internal Medicine

Health Secretariat of the Federal District 2010 for Dermatology


English Fluent speaker, listener and writer

Spanish Fluent speaker, listener and writer


” … Despite the short duration of his felowship of research, he impressed everyone, including me, with his remarkable intellectual abilities, practical skills and the peace of mind in dealing with a relatively large group of postdocs and graduate students. ”

” … There is no doubt that with his commitment to work at the highest level of quality and seriousness, Pedro will be an outstanding researcher. ”

Bjorn R Olsen, MD, PhD
Dean for Research and Professor of Developmental Biology (HSDM)
Hersey Professor of Cell Biology
Harvard Medical School

Médicos Viva"

Corpo clínico Médicos especializados

Um corpo clínico especializado em dermatologia significa que você pode ter acesso às melhores práticas que a medicina moderna pode oferecer para a beleza da sua pele e o seu bem estar. Se quantificada em horas de experiência e somadas nosso corpo clínico reúne mais de 100 mil horas dedicadas ao estudo da saúde da pele.

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